SE-5 Instruments

The SE-5 2000 IDF Instrument is a sophisticated device used in the field of radionics, designed to analyze and balance Intrinsic Data Fields (IDFs) for health and well-being enhancements.

We are a certified reseller of SE-5 equipment and will be able to assist you with any of your SE-5 needs.

Required Consultation

If you would like to purchase an SE-5 2000 Gold, we require you to schedule a consultation with Phoenix.

View Consultation Page

SE-5 2000 Instrument

The SE-5 2000 Intrinsic Data Field Analyzer is a solid-state electronic instrument designed to detect, quantify, and transmit a full spectrum of IDF signals to the biofield/intrinsic data field of any thing imaginable.

View SE-5 2000

Broadcast Only Instrument (BOI)

**Only available to owners of an SE-5 2000**

The SE-5 Balancing Only Instrument is a solid-state electronic instrument designed to transmit a full spectrum of IDF signals to the Intrinsic Data Field of any living organism, place, supplement, herb, crystal, etc.

View BOI's

PRO Software

This is an optional add-on Software for the SE-5 2000 IDF Analyzer and Balancing Only Instruments. This software will only run on a Windows Operating System.

View Pro Software