About Our Education

Delve deep into the intricacies of Alchemi-Culture and Aurelian Medicine with our educational content. Created and hosted by Phoenix Aurelius, the esteemed founder of the Phoenix Aurelius Research Academy, our program offers a unique opportunity to learn directly from the visionary himself.

Experience Alchemy, Hermeticism, Spagyria, Agriculture, Ecology, Sociology, Economics, and other Life Sciences through a unique lens designed to inspire the greatest sense of personal and collective health, happiness, and fulfillment possible.



Alchemi-Culture is a Philosophical Approach to Human Existence designed for the Modern World using Alchemical Philosophy and Principles. It is inspired deeply by Paracelsianism, though it is informed by a wide variety of Philosophies and Life Sciences. The entire approach is applied to 7 core aspects of humanity:

  • Cosmology + Philosophy
  • Law + Justice
  • Economics + Currency
  • Government + Sociology
  • Agriculture + Ecology
  • Arts, Sciences + Technology
  • Healing + Medicine
  • Alchemi-Culture uses a Philosophical Framework to teach how these core aspects of humanity can be transformed by employing Alchemical Theory and Processes. We focus on the importance of each of these core aspects and break them down into their Philosophic Essentials of Sulfur, Mercury, and Salt. Once we have separated these three Philosophic Essentials, we can begin to rethink and reconstruct them in ways that actually meet the needs of the Individuals they Serve and the Environments in which those Individuals Exist.


    Aurelian Medicine is a continuation of Paracelsian Medicine for the Modern Era. Its tenets are rooted in the Medical and Alchemical Philosophies of Paracelsus while simultaneously incorporating and finding a place for scientific, technological, philosophic, and educational advancements since Paracelsianism stopped being utilized in the 17th Century. Aurelian Medicine is equally as applicable to any Human or Animal body as it is to any body of Ecology, Water, Soil, etc. The key tenet of Aurelian Medicine states that every Organism on Earth is a Holographic and Fractal reflection of Earth, Herself and abides by the same underlying laws as every other created thing, varying only in in structure and function. Every organism has a Constitution inherent to its own structure and function. When any organism's Three Philosophic Essentials are out of equilibrium, this leads to an Imbalance. In Aurelian Spagyria, there are at least 6 Macro-Causations of Imbalances that can exist, and Four Multi-Dimensional Bodies which can be impacted. Through the use of IDF Balancing, Astronomology, Aurelian Spagyria, we can address the root cause[s] of the imbalance[s] of the organism in order to allow it to express itself Healthily and Naturally once again.


    Aurelian Spagyria is the Pharmacopoetic Branch of Aurelian Medicine. In and of itself, it is a vast discipline that merits its own education for those who are interested in producing remedies designed for Aurelian Medicinal Applications. Though Aurelian Spagyria shares many similarities with vulgar spagyric techniques that you can learn through places like the School of Evolutionary Herbalism, the Spagyricus Institute, the Philosophers of Nature curriculum, Spagyrics by Manfred Junius, and other R+C-inspired resources available today, Aurelian Spagyria has its own unique standardized approach to the creation of various items of Spagyric Pharmacopoeia. Students of Aurelian Spagyria learn specific terminology that define items of Spagyric Pharmacopoeia and their uses within Aurelian Medicine, as well as using standardized equipment, methodologies, and procedures for their manufacture. The Standards we use, the incorporation of Astronomology, the strategic use of Intrinsic Data Field technologies, and other aspects of Aurelian Spagyriac differentiates it significantly enough from vulgar spagyria to merit it unique distinction as its own style. That said, those trained in vulgar spagyria can easily adapt their practices to begin practicing Aurelian Spagyria.

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    WHAT IS IDF (Intrinsic Data Field)

    Learn more about IDF, Radionics, Phycotronics, and now it's used in Spagyric Alchemy.

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