'Viral' and Bacterial Infections and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

'Viral' and Bacterial Infections and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Recently my wife, Norianna, woke up and told me about a dream she had where she was starting to come down with some unspecified Bacterial/Viral disease and she stated that she actually felt that way. As the morning progressed, she felt progressively more sick and by about 4 in the afternoon, she was so drained, she had to lay down and take a nap. No symptoms in particular had developed and because she had expressed this to me upon waking up, I got her started on taking Spagyri-Somal Vitamin C and Spagyric Tinctures of Astragalus, Echinacea, Elderberry, and Oregon Grape.
After taking care of a few other clients and IDF work that was tying up my Analysis instrument in the early part of the day, I performed an IDF Analysis for her, which as I always do, I started with a Spagyric Entia analysis. Her Entia Analysis indicated that Ens Veneni (cause of disease due to toxins) was the major issue followed by Ens Naturale (cause of disease due to environment/lifestyle). Because Ens Veneni was the major contributor, I performed a custom question investigation that confirmed that the IDF signature of Toxins was indeed the major contributing factor to why she was feeling the way she was. Because we had just performed a heavy metal detox and other toxicity protocol not too long ago AND because I know that the toxicities she has been exposed to have been extremely negligible for months, I was quite confident that her issues would not be caused by Heavy Metals or Toxic Exposure. This was able to help narrow things down quite a bit; and when I can narrow things down like that, the obvious thing to check jumps out at me, which in this case was to check her "abundance of nutrition".
As a result, I ran a custom question investigation to either confirm or deny that suspicion...and the results of that investigation confirmed it. The trick was now to figure out what nutrients were contributing to her state of un-wellness. So I performed a supplemental investigation to find out how many "Nutrients in Excess" were contributing to her toxicity at present and the answer indicated that there were 5. So I then continued with the investigation asking if there were any Vitamins that were contributing to her symptoms at present. The Answer was yes, so I continued asking how many excess of Vitamins were contributing to her symptoms, and the Answer was 4. I then started alphabetically and asked if any forms of Vitamin A were contributing and the answer was "Yes". And then any B Vitamins, and again the Answer was "Yes." I asked how many B Vitamins and the answer was "3", so I had then quickly and successfully found all the Vitamins in excess that were causing her dis-ease. I then performed some searches online through PubMed and other Peer Reviewed Medical Information to see if there are any known side effects or studies of people displaying general fatigue, malaise, or susceptibility to symptoms similar to Colds, Flus, or any sort of Microbial Infections with Hypervitaminosis A or B. And while there are symptoms due to Hypervitaminosis with Vitamin A, as well as temporary symptoms with B vitamins [temporary because B vitamins are water soluble], there were no matches for what I was looking for.
It took me a little while to find, but finally the 5th Nutritional Toxin was identified as the Omega-3 Fatty Acid DHA. And in fact, the investigation indicated that this was the major contributor to her symptoms at present. Now, I had never heard of this, but it turns out that it is a known issue that too much Omega-3 in the body can actually lower the Immune System! I have included a couple of simple-to-find and easy-to-read resources below for your reference. After finding this out, I began to run an IDF analysis on her to see if her IDF was indeed showing the presence of too much of these nutrients.
I had to create some specific tunings to see if these were problems, but that didn't take too long and I proceeded to run the analysis. They were negative tunings, indicating that an amplitude >15 indicated that there is an imbalance in her Intrinsic Data Field. As it turned out, she was definitely showing FAR too much DHA in her system. And it turns out that too much DHA will also create a susceptibility to Hypervitaminosis A. Now, what's interesting about this is that the day before Nori starting feeling like she was getting sick, we ate a Salmon Chowder. And Nori almost always takes Dropi brand Cod Liver Oil Capsules which are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Then later that evening, after eating dinner, she asked me to get out the Hemp Seed Oil, which is also VERY rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids [DHA in particular] and she took a large dose of that. It was that night that she had the strange dream about getting sick and then the following morning was when the general fatigue and malaise started to settle in. So at least in terms of lifestyle and diet, it was clear that she had consumed plenty of Omega-3's; in fact, probably more than she needs for her size. Although I am still unclear as to whether she actually had too much Vitamin A OR whether the Omega-3 excess was causing a temporary increase in Vitamin A is still unclear, but needless to say, I think one should probably decrease their consumption of supplements like Cod Liver Oil IF/WHEN they choose to eat a diet rich in whole foods containing significant doses of Omega-3 fatty acids. As for the Vitamin B's, the three she had an excess of turned out to be Vitamin B2, Vitamin B9, and Vitamin B12, all of which she had been hitting kind of hard for her size the last few days by taking Country Life Coenzyme B Complex AND HEMA-PLEX for additional energy, cellular wellness, and red blood cell wellness. But HEMA-PLEX contains as many B Vitamins as the Coenzyme B Complex, so that could definitely have contributed. That said, Toxicity from B Vitamins are not that concerning because they're water soluble and can be safely and efficiently flushed from the system by drinking water, and B-9 and B-12 can especially be flushed out of the system by drinking alcoholic beverages. So those are an easy fix to take care of.
The articles that I have included as resources at the end of this blog simply indicate that the Immune System components that fight off Viral and/or Microbial Pathogens are weakened by excess DHA. So I went through and detailed every one of those components of the Immune System to see if Nori's IDF was also displaying stresses there. And sure enough, there was a perfect match - Her Antimicrobial Peptides, Bacterial agglutinins, Bacterial precipitins, Bacteriolysins, Phagocytes, and Viral Antigens all had the IDF Signature of less than an 85, indicating that they were indeed stressed.
So this blog has several important points that I would like to address:
1. Any nutrient, supplement, or substance taken in excess, no matter how "healthy", is able to create a toxin. In fact, the definition of Toxicity here at PARA Labs is anything consumed in excess.
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are capable of lowering your Immune Response to diseases and illnesses that are attributed to bacterial, fungal, and 'viral' infections.
3. IDF analysis seems to corroborate the current Peer Reviewed Narrative that Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Excess actually lower the response of Immune Components that help protect us from Microbial and 'Viral' Pathogenic Stresses.
If you are or have been sick with a disease or condition that is said to originate from a microbial and/or viral infection, then perhaps you might consider your overall Omega-3 intake. Is/Was it too high in the day[s] leading up to the symptoms developing? It's something to consider and to keep your eye on in the future.
To follow up with the results from this research: the next day Norianna woke up feeling much better and never actually came down with any sickness!

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