Working With IDFs Have Radically Transformed Our Lives & Work

Working With IDFs Have Radically Transformed Our Lives & Work

As some of you may already know, I have been working with research clients, friends, and family for the last 7 years. The entire first 13 months of that was spent just vetting the SE-5 and running clinical experiments to see how effective IDF investigation and balancing can be. Needless to say, I wouldn't still be working with IDFs 7 years later if I hadn't seen some remarkable data convincing me of the efficacy of working with IDFs - and not just with humans, but with plants, trees, soil, fungi, and animals as well. Whereas a human may have a bias and placebo, soil, plants, trees, etc; are not subject to placebo and this is where the work got very fascinating. 

Having worked with hundreds of IDF Research Clients, I have seen that a well balanced practitioner can utilize IDF investigations and analyses to pin point imbalances in the Intrinsic Data Field of a client. If used with an effective approach and cosmology, I think IDF will become indispensable for practitioners in the future, as it can be used to identify the most upstream causative imbalances at the root of an entire cascade of seemingly unrelated issues. Furthermore, it excels in the analysis and balancing of subtle dimensions, which is an extremely important aspect of wellness that is vastly underserved in modern societies. An apt practitioner using IDF Technology can identify and address an infinite range of wellness concerns - even in fundamental research phases which were clumsy and extremely experimental, 87% of our clients stated that they had noticed significant improvements. 

If you know me personally, you'll know that I don't travel anywhere for more than a day without my SE-5 because I find it so indispensable. It has saved the day for myself and my family on many occasions. My family all went to Universal Studios several years ago and my mom was having some pretty severe back pain in the morning before we set out. While eating breakfast, I put together a little broadcast and put her on it. By the time we got to the park, she was able to walk around and enjoy the rides while her pain continually decreased throughout the next two days. I had a brain aneurysm in 2019 that caused me to lose vision in my right eye - another IDF practitioner identified it early and was able to create some custom tunings and within a few days my vision was restored; within a month, there were no signs of having had an aneurysm at all. Nori and I both have overcome a variety of infections (parasites, strep and other bacteria, candida + other fungi) though we did nothing more than send IDF balancing broadcasts. Nori was able to heal from an intense kidney infection using nothing more than our Liposomal Vitamin C, some Spagyric Tinctures, and IDF broadcasts. 

Perhaps the most convincing circumstance was a few years ago when my wife, Nori went through a VERY intense period of time where she had crazy headaches with no apparent cause. They just appeared without warning one day and completely crippled her. She was taking some very strong doses of anti-inflammatory spagyric tinctures and using all sorts of things and nothing was helping it for about a week. It was excruciating, such to the degree that she wasn't sleeping. When it got that bad, I cleared my schedule so I could perform some IDF analysis and found that it was actually an abscess from an ingrown wisdom tooth. I put her on a broadcast around the clock in an attempt to dull the pain and address what I found was causing the pain. Within about an hour, the pain subsided and stayed gone until her dentist appointment the following week to address the abscess.

I won't make any medical claims (mostly because terrorist groups like the AMA won't let me), though I will say that in my experience, working with IDFs to influence Multi-Dimensional Wellness is by far the most effective methodology I have ever used. And because all living things (including plants, crystals, animals) are informed by Intrinsic Data Fields, working with IDFs opens up an almost infinite pathway to create Multi-Dimensional change.  


So What The Heck Are IDFs? 

IDFs (Intrinsic Data Fields) are the informational blueprints of matter, energy, and consciousness and inform every living thing how to be structured/perform. These informational fields can be  "accessed & reprogrammed" and also "sent" quantumly through the medium of scalar waves.

Humans are totally able to influence and impact IDFs through consciousness alone (it has been done for millennia), yet modern resources have made it possible to very easily entrain and send IDFs for the every day person with out the strain of having to focus for hours on end in order to impact IDFs. 

SE-5s and Chi-O instruments are examples of technology that are designed to retrain the Intrinsic Data Fields that are constantly governing our reality. 

****This information is for experimental and educational purposes only, and we make no medical claims, any physical changes you may experience through using IDFs are coincidental only.